Renew Membership
Check your Listings


You can make changes to your listing page/s at any time. Update pictures, video, text, and links. All you need to do is enter your membership number in the box below and submit.You will be able to view and edit your page/s.

If you add new images they must be a minimum file size of 300KB and ideally landscape in shape. Please make sure you own or have copyright to use the images. Once you’ve made changes please note that they don’t go live straight away. We check the details to make sure there are no mistakes, but also to keep us up to speed with what’s happening with your business.

We usually put edited pages live within 24 hours and will send an email to notify you. Please note that once you have made changes you can’t make further changes until we have put the updated page/s live.

If you’ve forgotten your membership number please email