Down Dog 200 Challenge

The challenge is to complete 200 downward facing dog (or puppy) yoga poses during a yogi-led session of up to 200 people.
The challenge will be led by Kate Sheppard of Yoga Felixstowe and Katharine Lawrence of Ashtanga Yoga Ipswich – both experienced yoga teachers, who have crafted a varied and engaging session that will include a variety of sequences designed to provide a fun, challenging, but safe experience! The event will include a lovely relaxation session at the end for you to enjoy a well-earned rest. The whole challenge will be suitable for beginners and those experienced with yoga.

Each event slot is three hours, including pre-registration, a gentle warm up, 1.5 hours for the yoga challenge and post-yoga relaxation. Morning attendees can arrive from 10am, with a session start time of 10.30am. Those participating in the afternoon session can arrive from 2pm, with the challenge starting at 2.30pm.
Event name:
Down Dog 200 Challenge
Start time:
End time: